Hello there,
My name is Raul and i'm from Portugal. I'm using a Zamel EFC-01 with Rop's 22 for several years now. I was very pleased to know that the Zamel system could integrate homeassist. However i'm having some problems with the installation of the component, I have everything running except the Zamel part. Can you help me? I've tried by command line, but i can't find the directory Config. I'm running W10 with Python 3.8 and, of course, HA.
Sorry for the English but i don't know how to write Polish.
Best regards,
Raul Gonçalves
Hello Raul,
Nice to hear that this product and the integration for it left polish borders

Apologies for not writing back to your PM - I'm quite busy recently.
Here's the installation procedure. I'll write it here for reference for future non-polish speaking users.
0. Create directory for custom integrations/components not delivered together with HA. This folder must be placed in your HA config folder - same place which contains your configuration.yaml file.
Please create folder: custom_components
1. Extract the extalife subdirectory from the zip archive downloaded from github into newly created custom_components directory.
Please make sure that after unpacking all the files with python code (.py extension) are placed in HA config/custom_components/extalife directory
Only then HA will find them and will load the integration.
2. In the configuration.yaml file, add the following entry from the parameter:
user: <user>
password: <password>
Optionally, you can also "manually" specify the controller IP address by specifying the `controller_ip` parameter in the yaml file. This is in case the integration can not cope with autodetection of the controller in your network.
It is also possible to define your time interval (in minutes) to perform periodic status queries by specifying the parameter `poll_interval`.
Example minimum, required configuration:
user: root
password: youruncrackablepassword
Example detailed configuration with optional parameters:
user: root
password: yourpassword
poll_interval: 3
3. Restart HA so that integration will be loaded.
This is it! So easy

Enjoy controlling your Exta Life instlallation from beautifull HA app and enjoy powerfull automation scenarios for them.